Tag: astrology

The nature of enemies in astrology, according to the indications of Ranzovius, a 16th-century astrologer.

Ranzovius (Steinburg, March 11, 1526 – Breitenburg, December 31, 1598, a German humanist astrologer ), in his treatise on nativity, describes in the Sixteenth Chapter of the Third Part how to determine the significators of a native’s enemies, that is, how to identify the quality of a person’s enemies, those who may cause harm or work against the native. He offers a brief general indication on accidental and natural significators. In the astrology of the 16th century (the period to which Ranzovius belonged), there was a habit of simplifying approaches with didactic methods, while still indicating schemes to identify both accidental and natural significators, with a series of references, aphorisms, and instructions to arrive at a final judgment (the most famous astrological manual by Ranzovius is “Tractatus astrologicus de genethliacorum thematum“; his treatise appeared in 1597 and was published in five editions by 1615. Rantzau was considered a generous patron of artists and writers in Lubeck, many of whom wrote memorials about his father. He was also a successful merchant with business interests in Husum and Lubeck).

The author suggests considering the significations of enemies from the Twelfth House and its Ruler. Then, he proposes the use of the “Part of Enemies” (which he calls “Pars Inimicorum” and is calculated with the formula Ascendant + Saturn – Mars for the day birth, and Ascendant + Mars – Saturn for the night birth). He also indicates a natural signifier of enemies without distinguishing between day or night births. In fact, he writes: “item Saturni nam is natura significat odia hominum,” which means Saturn is indicated as the natural signifier of enemies because it is in the nature of the planet to signify the hatred of men or anything contrary to life and, therefore, man. Then, it is necessary to consider the almuten of the indicated places:

  • the almuten of the Ruler of the Twelfth place,
  • the almuten of Saturn,
  • and the almuten of the Twelfth House.

It is necessary, he writes, to consider whether the planets and the almutens that indicate or are related to the native’s enemies are in good or bad conditions. In particular, he mentions if they are in “burned” places: probably meaning if they are planets under the rays (“sub radiis”) or worse yet, combust, or he may be referring to the visibility of the planet because being “burned” (or under the rays) indicates a planet undergoing a process of invisibility. This seems to suggest that the invisibility of the stars may indicate something about the enemies and their way of acting (an invisible, cunning manner?) especially when these planets have significance in the enemy’s places. Consequently, the eventual visibility does not necessarily mean the absence of enemies, but it could indicate visible enemies or those who clearly reveal themselves. Meanwhile, invisibility signifies enemies who act without our knowledge or appear in deceptive disguises.

Saturn generates the fiercest hatred, says Ranzovius. The author states that hatred and the fierce and violent actions of enemies occur in the same way when the fortune of the enemies (Part of Enemies) corresponds with their own fortune. As a result, it is necessary to verify the qualities or the situation related to the ruler or dispositor of the fortune and the fortune of the enemies, whether they are in tension with each other or if they have any particular characteristics or connections. The enemies of the native will then act upon the native’s substance or have an active impact on the native’s life (harmful action).

Ranzovius says that if the ruler of the Part of Enemies is angular, it will act strongly in the native’s life. He then cites some indications from Albubater and writes: if the sign of the Twelfth House, or the sign of its ruler, or the sign of the ruler of the Part of Enemies is in a common sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), then there will be many enemies to fear!

The nature of the Twelfth House sign can provide additional information about the nature of the enemies. But Ranzovius says that it is more important to judge the “ruler” of the Twelfth House, both its essential and accidental qualities, and the position it occupies, to understand the nature of the enemies or their acting ability or modus operandi. Therefore, he states that whatever the planet signifies in terms of social customs, professions, or descriptions of people, this will give an indication of the nature of the native’s enemies.

He then proposes another method of investigation, which he says “comes from various codes.”

The author writes about considering the planets in the Seventh and Twelfth House (because they will have significance on the native’s enemies), as well as the planets that oppose the luminaries (in this case, the author seems to indicate that the planets with the most tense aspect overall, specifically opposition to the luminaries, i.e., the Sun and Moon, can have significance on the native’s enemies; it logically follows that planets square to the luminaries may also have significance on the enemies).

Then, he again points out Saturn, which is necessary to be considered as a natural significator of hatred towards men.



I tried to analyze the matter of enemies in Emanuela Orlandi’s natal chart. Who are the enemies of Emanuela Orlandi? What is the nature of those who have operated or acted to her detriment? The nativity is in the Regiomontanus system. The birth time is rated “A” (RR=A).


  • Let’s identify the planet of life – We establish the Hyleg because it is important to verify if the accidental and natural significators of the enemies are related to the planet signifying life. The Hyleg (or Apheta, which is the predominator haylâj) is Jupiter. Jupiter is the ruler of the Ascendant and the Hyleg of the nativity, it is retrograde, and in its essential nature, it is weakened as it is in detriment.
  • Let’s identify the planets of the enemies – According to Ranzovius’ indications, we can use the Twelfth House as a reference point to identify the accidental significator of the native’s enemies. The Twelfth House is in Scorpio, so without a doubt, Mars is the accidental significator of the enemies. Mars is in the house of Jupiter (which is the sign where we find the domicile of the Hyleg, Jupiter). Moreover, since the nativity is nocturnal, the Moon is the first luminary. It separates from Mars, the planet representing the accidental significator of the native’s enemies, and then immediately applies to Saturn, the natural significator of the native’s enemies. Saturn is precisely in the house of Mars. This means that the Moon is besieged; even though it is in its domicile, it also occupies the eighth place, which is indicated in Ranzovius’ texts as another place of hostility for the native. The besiegement of the luminary can signify being prey to enemies.

Let’s take a moment to focus on some qualities of Mars (the accidental significator of the native’s enemies) and Jupiter (the Hyleg of the nativity).

  • MARS is visible, fast, direct, western, in its triplicity.
  • JUPITER is visible, slow, retrograde, eastern, in its detriment.
  • The planet of enemies is fast, visible, and direct, therefore it is hungry and acts promptly and swiftly.
  • Whereas the planet of life, Jupiter, is slow, retrograde, and also in detriment, therefore it is subjected to Mars, meaning that Mars is capable of prevailing over the planet that represents the native’s life.
  • This means that the enemies represented in Emanuela Orlandi’s nativity are capable of predation and getting the upper hand over the native.

It’s worth noting that Mars is in the Third House, and Jupiter is in the Ninth House. The dynamic of enemies vs. the native’s life occurs in cadent places (metakosmion), but since they are in communication with the Ascendant, they have an impact on the person’s life. Additionally, both the third and ninth houses are, by definition, places of the goddess and god, i.e., places of religion, rituals, cults, temples, and sacred or consecrated places.

Mars identifies the nature of the native’s enemy: who are the enemies that will cause harm to the native? It could be a police officer or someone associated with the military or wearing a uniform, a soldier, or military personnel of all kinds, but also doctors, pharmacists, surgeons, alchemists, gunners, butchers, officers in general, bakers, butchers, armorsmiths, watchmakers, barbers, carpenters.

Let’s consider Ranzovius’ indication; he says that if the Ruler of the Twelfth House is in a common sign (as in this case, Mars is in Pisces), and if the Ruler of the Part of Enemies is also in a common sign (we will see this later, but in any case, Venus, as the Ruler of the Part of Enemies, is in the sign Sagittarius), there will be many enemies to defend against! In this case, with both Mars and Venus in common signs, the first being the accidental significator of enemies, and the second governing the fate of enemies, it means that the native will have many enemies, indicating not just one but a multitude.

It is also necessary to examine the nature of the sign: Mars is in Pisces. Therefore, since Pisces is the house of Jupiter, the enemy can also be related to Jupiter’s significations. However, the face of a planet will tell us the role that Mars plays, the guise it takes on: the face belongs to Saturn.

The enemies identified in Emanuela Orlandi’s nativity have a Mars nature (like a soldier or acting as a predator) and natures associated with Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter signifies people of high rank, religion, nobles, government, goldsmiths, bankers, kings, viziers, magnates, jurists, and the wealthy. Saturn signifies property owners, administrators of kings, religious figures from various sects, malicious men, devotees, thieves, sorcerers, and farmers.

The determining factor is the sign occupied by Mars, which is Pisces, signifying “the abodes of angels, saints, priests, and magicians, as well as places of lamentation.” The enemies of Emanuela Orlandi are now fairly well defined.


The Part of Enemies in the last degree of Libra, so its ruler is Venus in Sagittarius. Since Venus is in the first house, it means that the enemies act upon the native, and being Jupiter the Hyleg and ruler of the Ascendant hindered by retrograde motion, slowness, detriment, and being in a cadent place, it is weaker than Venus, the ruler of the Part of Enemies, who is fast, direct, in an angular house, and not being peregrine as it is in its own term. Venus is in antiparallel with the Part of Fortune, and the enemies act upon the native’s substance, taking away from it. Both the Part of Fortune and the Part of Enemies are both ruled by Venus, but the Part of Fortune is in the Sixth House, while the Part of Enemies is in the Eleventh House. Therefore, the Part of the native is weaker compared to the Part of Enemies, which is thus advantaged.


I observe that the accidental significator of enemies (Mars) and the ruler of the Part of Enemies (Venus) have some connection to Jupiter, the Hyleg planet, and the ruler of the Ascendant. Mars acts in opposition to Jupiter. Furthermore, Saturn is in Mars’ house and in detriment, so it acts destructively. The destructive ability of the enemies is also given by the aspect of the Moon to Saturn, which is applying, an aspect that is highly detrimental for this nocturnal nativity. This aspect always indicates harm and injury to the one who is born, and if this aspect involves Saturn, ruled by Mars, the accidental significator of enemies, the injury and harm come precisely from them. The native is, therefore, subject to the harmful actions of the enemies, who are numerous and have a quite eloquent nature, as emerged from this analysis. Equally important is the movement of the Moon calculated in the NYCHTEMERON path, which creates an opposition to the second luminary, the Sun. Oppositions or squares between the luminaries, especially when the significators of enemies act harmfully on the significators of life, amplify the enemies’ capacity for harm and their acting ability.

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The situation in Russia. June 2023.

Already in 2022, with the Sun entering Aries, the position of the Sun (the natural signifier of the King) on the horizon line, specifically at sunset, where things fade away, was noticed. Already at that time, there was talk of Putin’s decline.

That Putin’s decline has occurred is not in question. In fact, since the declaration of war, Putin has been increasingly criticized and discredited by the international community, to the point of being completely isolated from much of the world (especially Europe and the USA).

The chart of the Sun’s entry into Aries in 2022 (which medieval Arab authors consider significant for the governance and affairs of the King) indicated a decline in Putin’s power – and it signifies the decline of his charisma.

However, this decline did not bring about the end of his power or his rule during the Sun’s entry into Aries in 2022 (March 2022 to March 2023). In the Sun’s entry into Aries in 2022, the Sun was positioned precisely on the Descendant line, the place of sunset.

With the Sun’s entry into Aries in 2023, again in the skies of Moscow, it is noted that the Sun for this entry reaches another strategic point, that of the Fourth House.

The degree of the Imum Coeli represents the the definitive conclusion of something. As the Sun is the signifier of the King, it could signify the next definitive decline of Putin’s reign with the end of his term. How it will end is not known: however, we notice that the Lot of the Sultan (according to the formula of Al-Biruni) is conjunct Saturn, a position that is not favorable as it indicates harm to the King. Furthermore, we note that the Lot of the Sultan is in the sign of Pisces, which is the “adversity” and “depression” of Mercury, and Mercury is the ruler of the Tenth House, therefore a second signifier of the King.

The Sun’s entry into Aries in 2023 is also characterized by a New Moon, a position that is not at all fortunate or joyful for collective matters. Additionally, the Moon forms an applying square aspect to Mars. In matters of world astrology, this aspect signifies ruin, violent events, unpopularity, and since Mars is in the VIII House, it can indicate events of death (indeed, observing the mutual reception of Mars and Mercury). Furthermore, as Mars is in Gemini, it also has significance for Putin, as Mars is ruled by Mercury, the ruler of the Tenth House and a signifier of power (alongside the Sun).

We may perhaps be facing a very delicate moment for the Kremlin and an important turning point to pay attention to.

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Decerendi vim habeo: the question of the division of the astrological houses

Perché è importante la suddivisione in 12 case celesti? Perché questo permette di dare una certa qualità e forza agli astri presenti nei diversi luoghi celesti. La ripartizione in 12 luoghi celesti permette di stabilire immediatamente la forza o la debolezza degli astri nella loro capacità operante ed operativa.

Gli astrologi greci hanno diviso i dodici luoghi celesti in due grandi gruppi.

Il primo gruppo è chiamato “luoghi operosi” (chrêmatistikoi) dove gli astri hanno maggiore capacità di compimento e di espressione, i loro significati si prestano ad essere manifestati. Questi luoghi sono quelli angolari (casa uno, casa dieci, case sette, casa quattro), quelli in trigono all’oroscopo (casa nove e casa cinque) e quelli in esagono all’ascendente posti sopra l’orizzonte (casa undici).

L’altro gruppo è chiamato “luoghi inoperosi” (achrêmatistikoi) oppure luoghi di pigrizia e sono quelli disgiunti ovvero non relazionati all’oroscopo (privi di aspetti tolemaici all’ascendente, per intenderci; casa tre perché pur formando un esagono all’oroscopo è sotto l’orizzonte, casa due, casa otto, casa dodici, casa sei). Nei luoghi pigri gli astri sono meno capaci di esprimere sé stessi, sono in un certo senso più lenti e significano anche ciò che tende ad essere nascosto, o meno evidente.

Il concetto greco di operosità (chrêmatizein) ha il suo corrispondente concetto latino ovvero decerendi vim habeo (colui che ha potere di decidere). Non è utilizzato solo per le questioni connesse ai luoghi celesti, ma intende identificare quei pianeti che possono avere capacità di deliberare giudizi. Per esempio, potremmo dire che Venere in casa undici è “chrêmatistikoi” perché in luogo succedente è capace di esprimersi rispetto a una Venere in case sei che è “achrêmatistikoi” ovvero incapace di esprimersi perché è in una casa cadente. Ma allo stesso modo possiamo dire che il pianeta eletto ad Hyleg di una genitura è chrêmatistikoi perché capace di esprimere una funzione, di esplicitare una azione sulla natività.

La divisione in 12 case celesti è quella che chiamiamo domificazione. Tolomeo non indica esplicitamente il modo che aveva di domificare. Tuttavia, nel Libro Tre della Tetrabiblos, capitolo Durata della Vita, scrive che il decimo luogo è composto dai trenta gradi posizionati presso il culmine superiore, per poi continuare a descrivere gli altri luoghi parlando sempre di settori composti da 30 gradi. L’Almagesto sempre di Tolomeo dichiara esplicitamente che ciascun quadrante contiene un arco di equatore di 90 gradi e semiarchi di ampiezza variabile, ciascun quadrante è di 6 ore temporali. Quello che indica Tolomeo è il principio della tripartizione dei quadranti, che segue quindi un principio temporale, basato sulla divisione del moto diurno. Ne consegue che anche Tolomeo divideva il cielo con una suddivisione temporale, che è quella che abbiamo imparato a rintracciare nel sistema placido, che risponde chiaramente ai principi tolemaici.


Sono tanti i modi con cui possiamo dividere le 12 case celesti. Per esempio, la suddivisione delle case celesti secondo il sistema chiamato Whole Sign Houses WSH (termine coniato tra l’altro da Robert Hand, e che è traducibile come case a segno intero) non è un sistema di domificazione testimoniato esplicitamente da Tolomeo. Al contrario, Tolomeo nel suo Almagesto pare indicare una suddivisione temporale come indicato in precedenza. Già questo ci indica che presumibilmente la domificazione proposta da Tolomeo è quella temporale, e non quella spaziale, tantomeno quella mista; il moto diurno degli astri è di estrema importanza nella congettura finale. Il sistema placidiano è il sistema che più di tutti rispetta le indicazioni di Tolomeo riportate nel suo Almagesto per quanto riguarda la ripartizione temporale dei quadranti ricavati dall’arco equatore, e dai relativi semiarchi. Ma al di là di quello che può o potrebbe aver pensato Tolomeo, il sistema di divisione placidiano è quello che più di tutti rispetta il moto diurno degli astri, un moto con cui ci relazioniamo più frequentemente, anche inconsapevolmente, nell’osservazione delle luci del cielo.

NOTA FINALE – La suddivisione in 12 luoghi può seguire un criterio spaziale, oppure temporale, oppure misto. La suddivisione secondo le ore diurne notturne appartiene sicuramente a Placido, che ha sistematizzato la questione nella domificazione placidiana. Tuttavia già Tolomeo nell’Almagesto ne parla, trattando la suddivisione dello spazio locale attraverso i decreti dei quadranti, che avviene attraverso non i gradi eclittici ma attraverso quelli equatoriali. La domificazione placidiana è quella che più di tutte ci dà una realtà oraria degli astri, a differenza della domificazione WSH che invece ci rimanda una idea spaziale forse più utile in casi geografici estremi (dove abbiamo latitudini geografiche tali che certe luci del cielo…. non tramonteranno mai).


Why is the division into 12 astrological houses so important? It is important because it allows us to give the stars present in the various celestial places a certain quality and strength. The distribution in 12 astrological houses allows us to immediately establish the strength or weakness of the stars in their operating and operative capacity.

Chrêmatistikoi VS Achrêmatistikoi

The Greek astrologers divided the twelve astrological houses into two large groups. The first group is called “operative places” (chrêmatistikoi), where the stars have a greater capacity for fulfilment and expression, and their meanings lend themselves to being manifested. These are the angular houses (house one, ten, seven and house four), those in trine to the horoscope (house nine and five) and those above the horizon forming a hexagon with the ascendant (house eleven).

The other group is called the “inoperative places” (achrêmatistikoi) or places of idleness, and they are houses detached or unrelated to the horoscope (in other words, lacking Ptolemaic aspects in the ascendant; house three, which, although it forms a hexagon with the horoscope, is below the horizon, house two, house eight, house twelve and house six). In the idle places, the stars are less able to express themselves, they are in a sense slower, and their meanings tend to be hidden or less obvious.

The Greek concept of operativity (chrêmatizein) has its corresponding Latin concept: decerendi vim habeo (the one with power to decide). It is not only used for matters related to the astrological houses, but is meant to identify those planets that may have a capacity to resolve judgements. For example, we could say that Venus in house eleven is “chrêmatistikoi” because in the succedent house it is able to express itself, unlike Venus in houses six, which is “achrêmatistikoi” or incapable of expressing itself because it is in a “idle” (cadent) house. In the same way, we can say that the planet chosen as the Hyleg of a geniture is chrêmatistikoi because it is able to express a function, to express an action on the birth.

The division into 12 astrological houses is what we call domification. Ptolemy does not explicitly indicate his method of domification. However, in Book Three of the Tetrabiblos, in the chapter on Length of Life, he writes that the tenth house is composed of the thirty degrees positioned in the culmination, and then continues to describe the other houses, always talking about sectors composed of 30 degrees. However, Ptolemy’s Almagest also explicitly states that each quadrant contains an equatorial arc of 90 degrees and semi-arcs of variable amplitude (each quadrant of 6 temporal hours). What Ptolemy indicates is the principle of the tripartite division of the quadrants, which therefore follows a temporal principle, based on the division of the diurnal motion. It follows that Ptolemy also divided the sky with a temporal subdivision, which is the one we have learned to trace in the placidus system, which clearly corresponds to Ptolemy’s principles.

For those who practice astrology questions inevitably arise regarding the abundant material we have from history and which we have only started to reassess and reconsider in recent decades. However, it is also very dangerous to come to absolute or hasty conclusions. For example, the division of the astrological houses according to the Whole Sign Houses (WSH) system (a term coined by Robert Hand) is not a domification system explicitly mentioned by Ptolemy. On the contrary, in his Almagest, Ptolemy seems to indicate a temporal subdivision, as already mentioned. This already clearly shows us that Ptolemy proposed a temporal domification, not a spatial one, and much less a mixed one. The Whole Sign Houses system does not show us the temporal reality of the stars, which does not mean that it is a faulty system, but simply that it does not take the temporal aspect into account; the diurnal motion of the stars is of extreme importance in the final conjecture. The Placidus system is that which most closely follows the indications given by Ptolemy in his Almagest concerning the temporal distribution of the semi-arcs and the arc of the equator.

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Since the Ascendant is in a bicorporeal sign, the year 2022 for Russia (beginning in March 2022 at the Sun’s entry into Aries, and ending at the next entry of the Sun into Aries in 2023) will have two parts. The first part of the year will be represented by the Sun’s entry into Aries and will tell us about the spring and summer seasons. Then the second part, which will be represented by the Sun’s entry into Libra 2022, will cover the last two seasons, autumn and winter.



The Sun at its entry is at the Occasus, and communicates with the Ascendant, the Sun is setting and by analogy the King is setting (since the Sun is the natural significator of the King). The accidental significator of the one who has power (Putin) is Mercury in detriment and falling into abject declivity (6th House), indicating precisely Putin’s detriment (i.e. his difficulties and isolation) and Putin’s fall (a situation of diminished consensus in Russian public opinion) since Mercury is also ruler of the Ascendant and accidental significator of the opinion of his people. The Moon rules the King’s allies, hence Putin’s magic circle, and it is a Moon that runs wild and does not apply to anything in the sign in which it is located, seeming almost to want to confirm the possible unwillingness of Putin’s allies or supporters to follow him totally in his intentions. Mercury meets Jupiter, the accidental significator of those in power in Russia meets Jupiter, ruler of the 7th house (known enemies or rivals). Perhaps agreements are on the way with known enemies during these two seasons, agreements and pacts that will nevertheless yield an utterly destroyed figure of Putin, compared to his previous authority and authoritativeness. According to these celestial images, Putin would appear to have totally lost his charisma and collective consensus: this is due to two astronomical and astrological reasons; the first because Mercury accidental significator of those in power (Mercury) is in detriment and falling; the second because it is in a cadent place, a place of crumbling decline (decrease and diminishment of power and strength). Let us also add to this the King’s natural significator, which is always the Sun, which is setting on the horizon.

The chart of the Sun’s entry into Aries seems to speak to us of a moment of extreme difficulty for Putin that we will come to appreciate in the spring and summer seasons, where the essential and accidental strength of the significator of those in power is in marked decline and in a decisive phase of weakness and reduced capacity for authority and authoritativeness.Russia is experiencing a momentous “historical sunset”, which involves Putin and the very future of Russia. Lord of the Year for the spring and summer season of 2022 is Saturn because, in the succedent place and ruler of the house in which it is located, we note the siege of Venus and the applying conjunction of Mars and Saturn that does not favour the possibility of indicating relaxation but rather points to an extremely difficult and tough period for Russia that we will come to understand better in the two upcoming seasons (spring and summer 2022). Lord of the hour is Saturn on the day of the Sun: depletion of substances related to the Sun and of all that the Sun accidentally and naturally signifies.

It is worth noting that Guido Bonatti reports that particular attention should be paid to the Mars-Saturn conjunction in the case of an entrance of the Sun into Aries, because this will signify difficulties, impediments, a moment of burden or responsibility with respect to inherited things. He adds, quoting Albumasar, that “it will be war if Mars in the house of Saturn moves towards the encounter with Saturn”, especially if the aspect is by body or conjunction. He adds that “if Mars does not separate from Jupiter, the war will be waged by a person unworthy of his reign, or lacking in considerable dignity”.

Add to this the fact that this conjunction takes place in the triplicity of air signs, in the sign of Aquarius, the same sign in which the Jupiter-Saturn median conjunction of December 2020 took place and which marked the change in the triplicity of future conjunctions, highlighting an ongoing change during the twenty-year period (2020–2040) with respect to societies, power, politics, international rules and the balance between nations. The median conjunction took place between Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius, which in Ptolemaic chorography belongs to the very area of Russia from which the military invasion that is preoccupying the whole of Europe and the entire world began. To Jupiter-Saturn was applied, in 2020, Mars in Aries (in quadrature aspect); Jupiter-Saturn was applied to Uranus in Taurus (in quadrature aspect). Especially for Mars, transiting in Aries activated the fiery triplicity connected precisely to Europe in the Ptolemaic chorography, and by extension, also to Central America.


CONCLUSIONS – In the first part of the spring and summer of 2022, for Russia there emerged a precarious condition of power, and of those who hold it. The King’s Part, according to Al-Biruni’s formula, is at the 18th degree of Gemini, in the confines and decan of Mars, communicating with its dispositor Mercury in detriment-fallen and in a cadent house, as cadent is the position of fate, further corroborating this indication referring to Putin’s “loss” of prestige and authority. We shall come to understand how he will lose this prestige in the course of these two seasons, but it may be connected with a considerable loss of internal support, a betrayal by his subordinates, but it is also evident that it may relate to a decrease in prestige and good judgement by foreign powers, where fortune is in the 9th house. As far as the FIXED STARS are concerned, Arcturus is in conjunction with the Ascendant and is preparing to rise (an inexorable and impartial star of the nature of Mars which colours the atmosphere of Martial Law or military activities inside/outside the nation), Betelgeuse is perfectly aligned with the cusp of the tenth house (a muscle of reddish and shining light which activates the unsheathing of Orion’s sword), all of which sends us back to inflamed atmospheres but also a precise consideration regarding Putin’s position: Is a new Tsar of Russia about to emerge, or rather is the end of his reign in sight? You can draw your own conclusions.


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The birth of Lillibet Diana: Astrological insights

Little Lillibet Diana, the daughter of Harry and Meghan, has been born. Let’s take a general look at her birth from an astrological standpoint.


Little Lillibet Diana was born when the royal sign of Leo was rising on the horizon: a fixed, summery, solid and stable sign, spirited and prone to anger, lean, inflexible, upright, liberal and commanding. The Leo ascendant has always been seen as a sign in which royalty, fortitude and physical strength ascend. Vettius Valens identifies it with the name IMPERIOSUM, specifically to characterise its regal, proud and authoritative nature. Indeed, we find the house of the Sun in this sign.

In the sign of Leo, we can thus trace the 4 characters typical of the summer heart, namely DIAPYRON PYRODES THERMON THERINON (red-hot, flaming, warm, summery). Those born when the sign of Leo rises on the horizon are therefore regal, voracious, dominant, ambitious and proud, eager to live and to be noticed, impatient, full of life, optimistic, and eager for notoriety and fame.

According to the medieval calculations, all this is peppered with a choleric temperament, but the moist and dry properties nonetheless balance out. We therefore have a temperament that markedly confirms the summery nature of the ascendant, but with a good component of moistness that helps and facilitates in alleviating certain tension-related aspects of the choleric.

The Five Stars are all visible, with the exception of Mercury, which is retrograde and in the west. Venus and Mars are also in the west. Jupiter and Saturn, meanwhile, are in the east with respect to the Sun. Mercury – invisible and retrograde – is in a bicorporeal sign, while the Moon is in a cardinal sign and the ruler of the ascendant is in a bicorporeal sign: her intelligence and mental disposition tend towards open-mindedness and pride, with a good dose of willpower that is uncompromising yet flexible and adaptable.

The native will be oriented towards the nature of JUPITER because Jupiter is Almuten of the Geniture, in a nice angular domicile, with a trine aspect in mundo to Venus, with Venus in the house of the Moon and Jupiter in the house of itself. She will be interested in interactions with others, cultural travels and higher knowledge, and will have an artistic profile in life, with frequent opportunities to grace the stages of the theatre, television or cinema.

Lucas Gauricus confirms that when a child is born under Leo (ascendant), the native will be a great, proud, dominant and daring person. Moreover, the Part of Fortune is in Gemini, in the term of Saturn and in the decan of the Sun; its dispositor is Mercury. Gauricus also tells us that when the Part of Fortune is administered by Mercury, the fortunes of the native will be granted by virtue of his or her own intellectual, mental and creative virtues.
Mercury is also in its domicile and acquires good accidental power. However, it is retrograde and invisible, so the native will tend to change her mind frequently and will not always be so convinced of her opinions or judgements of things. Her analyticity is therefore bicorporeal and changeable, which is not necessarily negative. In fact, it should be noted that the Sun does not form dissonant aspects with the malefics.

The Sun and Saturn are in trine: the Anonymous says that this aspect boosts life prospects with a good name and offers the native illustrious offices, especially when the two are in masculine signs and in a diurnal geniture, as in this case. Furthermore, the trine appears in a human sign, which suggests very dignified roles and great fame and authority in the world, especially considering the social importance of the family into which the child was born. Since the Sun in a diurnal chart is the natural signifier of the Father, the trine Sun-Saturn aspect also highlights the condition of the father who, to quote the Anonymous again, is ‘illustrious’.

Lillibet and the fixed stars on the midheaven.
With respect to the midheaven, the Pleiades have more rights in terms of hourly distance, since they are closer to the cusp. The star Aldebaran is very close to the Sun of the native, and the Pleiades near the midheaven concomitant with the presence of the Sun make the natives military captains, commanders, mounted colonels or emperors: in other words, bold, regal, haughty and proud. Aldebaran with the Sun makes for military eminence, honour, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity and courage, but also ferocity, as well as public honours.

The star Regulus was rising on the horizon. The Fixed Star Regulus is one of the four Royal Stars of Persia. Referred to as a kingmaker, it carries a majestic energy of bestowing a royal quality to those born under it’s rays bestows. With this point in the chart, the individual’s personality is larger than life, commanding, independent, outspoken, or arrogant. They can be honor oriented and have a lifestyle personified by courage, fame, royalty, and leadership. While it also represents fame and success, the star’s magnificence reminds us that fame and money don’t always bring happiness.

Welcome, Lillibet. And congratulations to Harry and Meghan.


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The birth of Lorenzo De Medici: Mars in the house of Jupiter and Jupiter in that of Mars

IN SHORT: Mars in the house of Jupiter and Jupiter in that of Mars; De Iudiciis Nativitatum, Abu ‘Ali al-Khayyat

LORENZO DE MEDICI – he had a choleric temper, described by temperamental physiognomy as a mood that pushes the person to fulfil their possibilities, achieving their ambitions at all costs. His body was taut, as is well known, his muscular structure strapping and robust, his face very lively, his gaze always sharp and attentive. Numerous texts use the term angry to evoke the image of the strategist, soldier and leader, but also the politician, entrepreneur and master. Lorenzo De Medici’s choleric temperament is confirmed by the Strength of Mars, a candidate for Ruler of his Birth Chart. Mars is also the Almuten of his ascendant. Anger comes in different nuances. In my research I found over seven different definitions of choleric temperament based on certain “modalities” or predispositions. In this instance, we are certainly dealing violent anger typical of troublemakers and warmongers, but also choleric conquerors who use skilful strategies to achieve their ultimate aims, knowing where and how to strike (including with diplomatic means).

In fact, Lorenzo’s skill as a politician was already apparent at the age of 18, when he was assigned political missions to be carried out in the cities of Naples, Venice and Rome.


Mars is in the house of Jupiter: the Arabic astrologer reflected on the position of Mars when it was in the sign of Jupiter, noting that this arrangement would confer honour and nobility, predisposing people to be friends with kings, nobles or the great and powerful of this world. Then he added another consideration, however. Albhohali said that if Mars is in the sign of Jupiter and Jupiter in that of Mars (as in the case of Lorenzo’s birth) “the person born will find themselves at the side of the army and will triumph over their enemies.” This means they have a predisposition to conflict and battle, but also a connection to the army and the policy of conquest, and the final outcome can be significant if Mars-Jupiter are oriented in an adequate way. In this case, Mars is the ruler of the image and therefore will always have a say in any situation concerning the person in question. Jupiter as Mars’ dispositor is really wonderful in the tenth house, with a high degree of fortuity!

Lorenzo came to power in 1496, becoming Lord of Florence; he proved to be a refined and skilled diplomat and a very shrewd politician, who was capable of profoundly transforming the internal order of the state. He reorganised it from the ground up, thus succeeding in taking even greater power into his hands, power that was above all more legalised. He also succeeded in assigning the important role of moderator of Italian politics to the city of Florence. The Volterra War dates back to 1472, when Lorenzo led Florence in order to strengthen the city’s dominion of the Italian peninsula. He managed to foil the Pazzi conspiracy with the help of the Florentines. In 1478, the Pazzis (a family of Florentine bankers) tried to crush the Medicihegemony with the support of the Pope, the Republic of Siena and the Kingdom of Naples. This conspiracy led to Giuliano de’ Medici, Lorenzo’s beloved younger brother, being killed and il Magnifico himself being wounded, however it nevertheless did not succeed in removing the Medici dynasty’s power over Florence.

At this point, Sixtus IV excommunicated Lorenzo and declared an interdict against the city of Florence. As a result, war broke out. Florence found some allies against the Pope and Ferdinando di Napoli in the Republic of Venice and in the Duchy of Milan, but by this time the situation in the city was critical. Lorenzo the Magnificent thus went to Naples on 6 December 1479 to try to stipulate a non-aggression treaty with Ferdinando.

The man accepted, convinced by the power that this would give to the state of the Church in the years to come. Pope Sixtus IV, left alone, was forced to yield and accept the unfolding of events.

From here on, the prestige of Florence grew stronger and Lorenzo de’ Medici was the centre of this power.

Thus Mars in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio gave the victory to the Lord of Florence, as also predicted by Albhohali.



IN BREVE: Marte nella casa di Giove e Giove in quella di Marte; De Iudiciis Nativitatum, Abu ‘Ali al-Khayyat

LORENZO DE MEDICI – il suo temperamento è collerico, quello che è descritto dalla fisionomia temperamentale come umore che spinge la persona a realizzare sé stessa, nel raggiungimento delle proprie ambizioni, a tutti i costi. Il corpo è teso, inteso, la struttura muscolare nerboruta e consistente, il volto molto vispo lo sguardo acuto e sempre attento, numerosi testi rievocano nel collerico l’immagine dello stratega, del soldato, del condottiero, ma anche del politico, dell’imprenditore, del padrone. Questo temperamento collerico in Lorenzo De Medici è confermato dalla Forza di Marte che può essere candidato a Sovrano della Carta. Marte è anche Almuten dell’ascendente. Il temperamento collerico ha diverse sfumature, ho nella mia ricerca trovato oltre 7 definizioni diverse di collerico in base a certe “modalità” o predisposizioni, possiamo sicuramente avere il collerico violento, quello attaccabrighe e guerrafondaio, ma anche il collerico conquistatore, che con abile strategia sa dove colpire e come farlo… (anche con diplomazia) pur di arrivare al proprio scopo finale.

L’abilita come politico in effetti Lorenzo la esprime già a soli 18 anni, gli vengono infatti assegnate missioni politiche che porta sempre a compimento nelle città di Napoli, Venezia e Roma.


Marte è nel segno del domicilio di Giove: l’astrologo arabo riflette sulla posizione di Marte quando è nel segno di Giove dicendo che tale disposizione conferirà onore, nobiltà, predispone ad essere amici dei re, dei nobili ovvero dei potenti o dei grandi di questo mondo. Ma aggiunge poi un’altra considerazione. Albhohali dice che se Marte è nel segno di Giove e Giove in quello di Marte (come nel caso della natività di Lorenzo) “il nativo sarà al fianco dell’esercito e trionferà sui suoi nemici” ovvero predispone la disputa, la battaglia, ma anche il collegamento all’esercito e alla politica di conquista, dove alto potrà essere il risultato finale se Marte-Giove saranno orientati in modo adeguato. In questo caso Marte è sovrano dell’immagine e quindi avrà sempre da dire qualcosa su qualsiasi situazione del nativo; e Giove dispositore di Marte è proprio bello in decima casa, forte nella sua accidentalità!

Lorenzo sale al potere nel 1496 diventando Signore di Firenze; si dimostra un diplomatico fine ed abile e un politico molto accorto, capace di compiere una trasformazione profonda nell’ordinamento interno dello Stato. Egli lo scuote fin dalle fondamenta, riuscendo così a ottenere un potere ancor più saldo nelle sue mani e soprattutto più legalizzato. Riesce anche nell’impresa di assegnare alla città di Firenze l’importante ruolo di stato moderatore della politica italiana. Risale al 1472 la guerra di Volterra, in cui Lorenzo guida Firenze allo scopo di rafforzare il dominio della città nella penisola italica. Riesce a sventare la congiura dei Pazzi con l’aiuto dei fiorentini. Nel 1478 i Pazzi (famiglia di banchieri fiorentini), sostenuti dal papa, dalla Repubblica di Siena e dal Regno di Napoli, cercano di stroncare l’egemonia dei Medici. Questa congiura porta all’uccisione di Giuliano de’ Medici, amato fratello minore di Lorenzo, e al ferimento del Magnifico, senza però riuscire nell’intento di levare il potere su Firenze alla dinastia dei Medici.

Sisto IV, a quel punto, scomunica Lorenzo e lancia l’interdetto contro la città di Firenze. Da qui si scatena la guerra. Firenze trova nella Repubblica di Venezia e nel Ducato di Milano degli alleati contro il Papa e Ferdinando di Napoli, ma ormai la situazione in città è critica. Lorenzo il Magnifico si reca così il 6 dicembre del 1479 a Napoli per cercare di stipulare un trattato di non belligeranza con Ferdinando.

L’uomo accetta, convinto dalla potenza che ciò avrebbe portato allo stato della Chiesa negli anni a venire. Papa Sisto IV, rimasto solo è costretto a cedere e accettare lo svolgersi degli eventi.

Da qui in poi il prestigio di Firenze si rafforza e Lorenzo de’ Medici è il centro di questo potere.

Così Marte in Pesci e Giove in Scorpione hanno dato frutto vincente al Signore di Firenze, così come indicato anche da Albhohali.


De Iudiciis Nativitatum, Abu ‘Ali al-Khayyat

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